LLC Thermotron-Zavod is one of the main manufacturers of railway products: More than 20 years releases wide range of high-tech, advanced, innovative products, designed for traffic safety on railways, on Metro lines of Russia, near and far abroad.
The products of Thermotron-Zavod LLC can be seen on the railways of Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the countries of Central Asia and the Baltic States, and also in the Mongolian Republic and Syria.
1, Shchors Blvd, Bryansk
Prior to cooperation with JSC Proton, the company was equipped with old-style light fixtures - DRL 400, 700. The task was to minimize the cost of electricity in the workshops with innovative LED lights. Previously, the customer received for testing the fixtures "Trassa 5А" and "Trassa 6А" produced by JSC "Proton".
After testing, the Chief Power Engineer of Termotron-Zavod LLC selected the “Trassa 5A” luminaires (modification SPS-A-220-005-H-NF1), which gave the illumination at 300-400 lx.
The power consumption of the previous fixtures: per hour - 18 KW / h; per shift - 162 kW.
Power consumption of JSC Proton light fixtures: per hour - 5.25 KW / h; per shift - 47,25 kW.
As a result, the energy savings of the production department per shift amounted to 114.75 kW.
LLC "Termotron-factory" expresses sincere gratitude to JSC "Proton" for the responsible attitude and professionalism shown during the work with our organization.
High-quality lighting equipment allowed us to provide the highest level of industrial premises energy efficiency. Especially should be noted new comfortable working conditions of our employees.
To illuminate the surrounding area, it was decided to use LED light fixture “Trassa” series, which showed the best result among the considered analogues.
In connection with desire to taking into consideration client's individual needs and a right approach for the implementation of the tasks, we are with confidence can recommend Proton as a reliable partner.